4 ways to refresh your bathroom without breaking the bank
by Johanna Chevallier, on Jul 20, 2018 10:09:00 AM
What do you do if your bathroom is looking a little worn and tired but you don’t want to invest in a full makeover? Here are our top tips on how to freshen up your bathroom without having to spend the world.
Whimsical wallpaper
By adding wallpaper in your bathroom you can add colours, patterns and a theme without having to do anything else. It can change the atmosphere and the style of the bathroom drastically and even cover up some unsightly wear and tear.
Fornasetti Acquario at Cole & Son
Designed by Shannon Edings Interior. Schumacher Wallpaper
Pineapple wallpaper by Barneby Gates
By Paper Moon Painting
For more ideas about whimsical wallpapers, click here.
Bathroom Art
Another idea is to add hanging art in bathroom for a classical and traditional look. You can hang a single image as a feature piece or have a wall creating a collage effect. This can give colour and style to any bathroom.
Here are a few more bathroom art ideas
Bathroom Accessories
Often overlooked, your bathroom accessories are actually very important and should be chosen wisely, as they can define the style of your bathroom. There are so many styles to choose from and with a quick swap around you can elevate your whole bathroom to appear more traditional, modern, urban, colourful or wood accessories.
by Balineum
by VitrA
by Decor Walther
by St James Collection
Find out about accessory trends here
Nature in the bathroom
For a fresh feeling and pleasant start to each day there is nothing better than including some nature in your bathroom! By simply adding a few plants to your bathroom, you will feel the change instantly as it will bring a new lease of life to the room.
Also plants love humidity, so bathrooms could actually be one of the best places at home to keep them!
For more inspiration and information about nature in the bathroom, click here.